There are two people on this planet whom I venerate most greatly;
One, is a woman with a spirit like a wildfire: Insuppressable. Unquenchable. Unstoppable.
The other, is a man. The only person in all the earth with the power to tame that untameable force of nature.
In my opinion, anyone with the power to do that, is one to be revered.
Serene and majestic though he was, his authority was ever present. He commanded respect with nothing but his presence, and the sound of his gentle voice.
He is the patriarch that I am honoured to call my Grandfather.
Dear Grandpa,
No words could ever be placed together on a page, no ocean of tears deep enough to be cried, to describe how deeply grateful I am to God, that it was through you that the roots of my identity can be found. That it was through you that I have received and will always have, the greatest gift any human being could have;*
That is a perfect role model, in the form of a perfect mother.
I Miss You.
*(After the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross)
17th August 2013